✞The God i know✞

He is the God who is alive. Pure and righteous and Holy. Light of the city, strengthens the weak, loves me and poured abundant blessings into my life, the only One who is able to give eternal life. Jesus, only Son of God, was crucified because of me, my sins. It is all because of Him, ALL because of Him, i can live this new life. I want to commit all my life to God. I want to be more and more like Jesus. It's all because of Him, i am saved. Therefore, follow Him and acknowledge this grace.

Matthew 4:17

"From that time on Jesus began to preach 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.' "

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Blessed Sunday

Today is a Sunday! :D Went to Navigators again as usual.. Actually thoughts of others going to other church before they come to Navigator came into my mind.. Even my leader herself also go to church before she comes for Nav.. Somehow miss my previous church a little bit.. I see that still, the most important thing is about me myself growing in my spiritual maturity.. So haha, doesn't matter which place i go to.. :D

Anyway for today's bible study, i learnt from a simple biblical story, Adam and Eve. When Adam confessed that he ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge, he went to hid and say he is naked, and in addition, he said that it was Eve who told him to eat. I see that in one hand, yes, he did confess, but he confess by pulling someone out to blame as well, similar to me, pulling my mother to be the blame who ruined my mood and cause me to be rude to her, their sinning by not obeying my parents, which doesn't please God.

From here, it clearly shows the kind of confession attitude i should have when i confess to God. Whether or not, one is touched and then confess, or just taking the initiative to confess my sins to God, i want to continue praise God for He is faithful and just, 1 John 1:9, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 

This is also my application to my life. Since this week is e-learning week, at night i'll have more to spend praying for my friends and also for my own life, to be transparent to God, to confess my sins, be it my hidden bad temper during my mood swing, or my attitude towards people.

Praying for friends whom i have shared the gospel to, because i dont want to put them in the desert and leave them, for it doesn't glorify God. So i can only do my part in praying for them daily faithfully. Serve by praying for people. :)