✞The God i know✞

He is the God who is alive. Pure and righteous and Holy. Light of the city, strengthens the weak, loves me and poured abundant blessings into my life, the only One who is able to give eternal life. Jesus, only Son of God, was crucified because of me, my sins. It is all because of Him, ALL because of Him, i can live this new life. I want to commit all my life to God. I want to be more and more like Jesus. It's all because of Him, i am saved. Therefore, follow Him and acknowledge this grace.

Matthew 4:17

"From that time on Jesus began to preach 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.' "

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lesson from a Sleep

Today I got a nightmare when I fell asleep from about 3pm onwards. I only woke up at about 6pm. I dreamt that I was with a few poly friends hanging out till late. The sky was dark and I was out with them waiting for bus at a bus stop without rooftop.

Suddenly a little boy dressed in a bright yellow shirt ran towards me and hugged me, and claimed that i am his mother. I knew he recognised the wrong person. So, i tried to comfort him by accepting his hug. Before i could ask him where is his mother, as soon as i hugged him, his eyes turned fiery and scary. His face was very angry and he strangled my neck, pressing strongly on my throat. In my dream, i could hardly breathe. His strength was threateningly strong that i cannot resist away from him. I could not see anyone else in my dream except for that little boy’s face.

But i thank God that i spoke His Word onto the boy, “In Jesus’ name, you shall not prevail”. And i woke up from shock. This is something that is very true and i am not free to post something that is fake. I think through this i learnt that God has tested me and my accountability to God is very crucial. In the end, my leader asked me what did i done that led me to this dream, i remembered a few days ago, i read Mark 9:14-32 about the Healing of a with an evil spirit. So i thank God because i believe this dream is sent by Him.

Later my leader kept me in prayer. ^^

Proverbs 3:21-26.

“My son, preserve sound and judgement and discernment, do not let them out of your sight; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck. Then you will go on your way to safety and your foot will not stumble; when you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the Lord will be the confidence and will keep your foot from being snared.”
