✞The God i know✞

He is the God who is alive. Pure and righteous and Holy. Light of the city, strengthens the weak, loves me and poured abundant blessings into my life, the only One who is able to give eternal life. Jesus, only Son of God, was crucified because of me, my sins. It is all because of Him, ALL because of Him, i can live this new life. I want to commit all my life to God. I want to be more and more like Jesus. It's all because of Him, i am saved. Therefore, follow Him and acknowledge this grace.

Matthew 4:17

"From that time on Jesus began to preach 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.' "

Saturday, July 9, 2011


↑ Long time ago my leader (PF) gave me these sushi ~ super nice.
Fed my whole family. Haha.

 All the pictures about shows the background cross that is drawn using the newly bought pink 0.7 pencil at SIM popular. Haha. I like it quite a lot, though it's abit too light and the lead breaks easily.. T_T

↑ This picture here is what i used to memorise the verse Ps 143: 8,10
It's quite a long verse for me.. O.o But i had fun doing it! :D What a blessing! ^^

"Let the morning bring me Word of Your unfailing love, for i have put my trust in You.
Show me the way i should go, for to You i lift up my soul.
Teach me to do Your Will, for You are my God.
May Your good Spirit lead me on level ground."
-- Psalms 143:8,10 (NIV)

Hehe. REally a blessing verse. To wake up in the morning and have God's Word spoken to you~ :D ahaha. <33

I am falling in love with Him, over and over and, over and over again! (Him is Jesus! )