✞The God i know✞

He is the God who is alive. Pure and righteous and Holy. Light of the city, strengthens the weak, loves me and poured abundant blessings into my life, the only One who is able to give eternal life. Jesus, only Son of God, was crucified because of me, my sins. It is all because of Him, ALL because of Him, i can live this new life. I want to commit all my life to God. I want to be more and more like Jesus. It's all because of Him, i am saved. Therefore, follow Him and acknowledge this grace.

Matthew 4:17

"From that time on Jesus began to preach 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.' "

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Korea Trip 2013 Testimony

Through the fellowship with different Korean sisters, I have learnt precious lessons such as love for people and love for God, which also leads them to world vision.
One thing that is very clear in their life is this: Love is an outflow in their life. Their sincere and careful concern for people amazes me and also reminds me of God’s love. God must have loved them so much, and they understand how God love them, which in turn cause them to be able to love others the same. In John 4:7, “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.”
Out of their love, they are very alert to serve and meet the needs of people. Examples of serving such as wiping the different sisters’ spectacles before bible reading are something that I have never seen before.
While living in the Excellent Apartment, we have the training objective in “BASICS”, which was to meditate on God’s Word using different methods such as ACTS method, letter-writing method and Paul’s meditation method. The sisters desire to hear from God daily even as they face different types of situations in their life. They are joyful and refreshed by God daily, and sometimes they freely enjoy singing songs to God. This is like what is said by Paul about holy living in Colossians 3:16, “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.” Their love for God resulted in them to live their life in a way that gives glory to God.
They also have training objective in the area of “LIFE”, to train themselves in the area of living out their life accountable to God and grow in real life issues. That week’s objective in this “LIFE” category was to show love to sisters through playing the game called “Angel and Mortal”, which is also known as “Manito” in Korea. The ways the sisters show love were also very amazing. Sometimes they secretly help you prepare your mattress to sleep at night, sometimes they pray for you and sometimes they paste little gifts on the door or on your table. There are also times at night when they will just talk with one another, to be concerned about one another’s life, even though some sisters are working during the day and could be physically tired. This also shows their love for God’s people.
From the sharing of different missionaries and laborers, I was also amazed by their love for people and for God. Some travels to different countries for mission work with their children. It may be more comfortable and common to raise children in their own country, which is Korea. But they chose to obey the leading of God, that their whole household will follow God, follow what is better for God’s kingdom than what is better for them. I saw one of their children, a young boy, whose parents are missionaries in India, who can speak English, Korean and Indian languages. I really learnt that nothing, not even things regarding their own family, can withhold them from serving God.
During a Man-to-Man time, during lunch with sister Khewon, she shared about one of her good and faithful follower, named Yu Sun. She shared that Yu Sun sister devoted herself to God and is now serving in Africa as a missionary. Yu Sun also shared that all the works she did in Africa for God is all done by her leader Khewon, who in the first place helped her to grow in her spiritual walk with God.
Sister Khewon really loves her and she prays for her whenever she knows some updates from Yu Sun about the ministry in Africa. From here, sister Khewon shared with me the important value of following up on one faithful man, from convert to disciple to laborer, and that through this one man, many others can be blessed, and in this case, the people in Africa can be reached further with the Gospel. She shared that all men will grow old one day, physically can become a bit harder and have certain limitations, but if her life is invested on people, these people can be the ones that God can continue using to preach the message of salvation to many others who are still lost. These will all yield eternal value and give glory to God. This is also how world vision can be developed.
In conclusion, I am really thankful for this Korea trip. It helps me to better understand world vision through people’s life and also how love is an important factor whether in serving God and Hus people or in sharing the Gospel to people. Thank God for showing me clearly that He is a God of love in my life. It is based on this love that He first called me, and that it is by His love that I can grow to know Him deeper and that should be the direction that I should go towards.